Rabu, 21 November 2012

Various Majas and example

Various Majas and example

today I'll post about the various figure of speech and example. in fact there are many different figure of speech but this time I will only post a small portion of the kinds of figure of speech. for more details, read the following article.

1. Majas metaphor
- If possessed dealings with loan sharks, then we better be careful
2. Simile Majas
- You bagaiakan hero kidnapped goddess shinta of hand sri rama
3. Majas personification
- Playing with the heart of a woman will reap karmic future
4. Hyperbole Majas
- The football stadium is flooded with spectators
5. Majas sinekdok pars prototo
- Per head subject to a donation of Rp 1,000
6. Majas sinekdok totem pro parte
- Soccer match between Indonesia and Malaysia ended with a victory against Indonesia
7. Majas Irono
- I know you are the most beautiful girl in this world that deserve a place of honor
8. Majas Tautologies
- I worry and anxiety with
9. Symbolic Majas
- They just puppy love
10. Majas Reps
- He is waiting for me, he is my future, which I hope he

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