Rabu, 21 November 2012


Definition of Repentance

Repentance is a word derived from the Arabic meaning Repentance feel guilt or remorse for the actions that are inconsistent with the teachings of religion. Nasuha means repentance Repentance in truth with the promise not to repeat it again.
In Christianity in Indonesia word repentance is used to translate a word metanoia in Greek, meaning "to turn 180 degrees from a long life" or "abandon the old way of life".
In the Roman Catholic church, performed penance after confession, by partaking of the sacrament of reconciliation, which is one of the seven sacraments recognized by the Catholic Church.

 Personality and conditions of Penance

Each of us must have fallen into sin, including the sin. But the best of servants is an ongoing sorrow for sin which he has done. The following brief explanation will explain a little about the terms of repentance.

Allah Ta'ala says,
يا أيها الذين آمنوا توبوا إلى الله توبة نصوحا
"O ye who believe, repent to Allah with taubatan nasuhaa (the purely repentance)." (Surat at Tahrim: 8)
Described by Ibn Kathir rahimahullah that the meaning of sincere repentance (taubatan nashuhah) as the scholars say is,
Avoiding sin for now. Regretting past sins. Determined not to do it again in the future. Then, if the sin is related to the rights of fellow human beings, then it should resolve / restore.
Based on the above explanation of Ibn Kathir, terms of repentance which must be met by someone who wants to repent can be detailed more fully below.

1. done with sincerity, not as beings or for worldly purposes.

2. Repent of sin has been done before so he did not want to repeat it again. As was stated by Malik bin Dinar, "Crying sins it will wipe out the sins as the wind dries the leaves are wet. 'Umar,' Ali and Ibn Mas'ud said that repentance is regret.

3. Not continue in sin today. That is, if he did prohibition, he immediately left and when he left a mandatory, then he returned fulfilled. And when it comes to human rights, he immediately fulfilled or apologize.

4. Determined not to repeat the sin in the future because if someone is determined to repeat it then it's a sign that he does not hate sinners. It is, as some scholars who interpret the interpretation of repentance is determined not to repeat them.

5. Repentance done at the time of receipt of repentance before death comes or before the sun rises from the west. If done after that, then repentance is no longer acceptable.

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