Selasa, 25 September 2012

Solar Energy

this time I will post about the science lesson. material was concerned about the source of that energy into the most important energy source in the world of solar energy. This subject is discussed in class X, the teacher who taught him named Mrs.Hikmah, but now he does not teach in school anymore because she had moved in other schools.
okey we continue material about solar energy ..

Sun close. Globally, the sun provides 10,000 times the human energy - energy that anyone can utilize for free.Solar or solar energy has been used in many parts of the world and if properly exploited, this energy has the potential to provide the world's energy consumption needs at this point in time is longer. The sun can be used directly to produce electricity or to heat even to cool. The potential of solar energy depat future is limited only by our desire to capture kesempatan.Ada many ways to harness energy from the sun. Plants convert sunlight into chemical energy using photosynthesis. We harness this energy by eating and burning wood. Bagimanapun, the term "solar power" has meant converting sunlight directly into heat or electrical energy for our purpose. two basic types of solar energy is the "sunshine" and "photovoltaic" (photo-light, voltaic = voltage) Photovoltaic solar energy: involves generating electricity from light. The secret of this process is the use of semi-conductor materials that can be adapted to release electrons, the negatively charged particle that forms the basis of electricity.Semiconductor materials most commonly used in photovoltaic cells is silicon, an element commonly found in sand. All photovoltaic cells have at least two layers of semi-conductors like that, one positively charged and one negatively charged. When light shines on the semi-conductor, power lading cross connections between the two layers causes electricity to flow, generating DC current. The stronger the light, the stronger the flow of electricity.Photovoltaic system does not need bright sunlight to operate. The system also generates electricity at the time of the day cloudy, with out energy density comparable to the cloud. Based on the reflection of sunlight from the clouds, overcast days can produce numbers higher energy than when the blue sky was really bright.Nowadays, it's become common small devices, such as calculators, using solar cells are very small. Photovoltaic is also used to provide electricity in areas that are not networking powerhouse. We have developed a refrigerator, named Solar Chill can work with solar energy. Once tested, this refrigerator will be used by humanitarian organizations to help provide vaccines in areas without electricity, and all the men who do not want to rely on electricity to cool their food. The use of photovoltaic cells as the main design by architects is increasing. For example, roof tiles or solar slites konvsional can replace the roofing material. Flexible film modules can even be integrated into vaulted roof, while semi-transparent modules provide an interesting mixture between shadow to sunlight. Photovoltaic cells can also be used to provide maximum power to the building during the day in the summer when the air conditioning system requires substantial energy, it helps reduce the burden maskimum elektik.Baik in large-scale and small-scale photovoltaic power can be delivered to the power grid, or can stored in the cell.

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