Selasa, 16 Oktober 2012

Terms manufacture Proposal

in making the proposal there are some conditions that must be met for without fulfilling these requirements proposal you have made may not be regarded as a complete proposal so to clarify please read the article .. enoy :)

1. A policy regarding wages and decryption perfakturan (Contonya few percent to be paid in advance, how the particular militone, and how the delivery)
2. Your policy on the dismissal of the client and the cost of the change order
3. Your policy on off-budget costs for travel, telephone, courier services, etc.
4. Your policy bekaitan with thrid-party licensing fees for the run-time module and a special driver (paying clients)
5. Spesipik statement as to who will have what has been done in the project. You munkin inggin retains the right to show the parts of the work for your own promotional purposes and re-use of code and algorithms in other parts of the project that you develop
6. Guarantee the client that you will not divulge the information owner
7. The right to display your award on the job
8. Your rights are limited to working for other clients
9. Rejection of the shortage and power arising out of work

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