Interfaith Marriage Laws in Islam
Marriage is one kind of worship in Islam. Every man who has grown up, and spiritually sound mind definitely needs a life. Mates
can meet the biological needs, which can love and be loved, to love and
be loved, and who to work with in order to bring peace, peace and
prosperity in the married life tangga.Menurut language, marriage means
to gather or unite. According
to the terms, marriage is the doing of a contract or agreement to bind
themselves between a man and a woman justifies the relationship between
the two bodies on a voluntary basis and consent order to realize the
happy family blessed by Allah SWT.
Interfaith Marriage In our lives today IslamDidalam marriage between
two people is a common religion and indeed it was recommended in our
religion. But in the name of love, is now common (but not necessarily allowed religion) do interfaith marriage or a mixed marriage. It
is already well set in our religion, religion Islam.Secara general
interfaith marriage in Islam can be divided into two parts, namely: 1. Marriage between Muslim men with non-muslim2 women. Marriage
between a non-Muslim man with a woman muslimahNamun before we talk
about the wedding of the above, should we need to know about the meaning
of non-Muslims in Islam. Of
non-Muslims themselves can be divided into 2, namely: Group One Book
Rowaa'iul Bayyan MusyrikMenurut interpretation Ayyah Arkam juz 1 page
282 works Syech As Muhammad Ali As Shobuni, Pagans are people who have
dared to GOD Almighty associating with creatures NYA
(worshiping statues, idols or the like). few examples of groups such as
Zoroastrianism idolaters who worship fire or the sun, Shabi'in,
Mushrikeen, and some religions in Indonesia who worship statues, idols
or sejenisnyaGolongan Expert commentary KitabMenurut Book Rowaa'iul
Bayyan Ayyah
Arkam juz 1 page Syech As Muhammad Ali As Shobuni, People of the Book
are those who cling to the religion of the Torah of Moses As. Yanga or they cling to the religion of the Bible Prophet Isa As. Or
many were calling a divine religion or religions are derived directly
from the sky and Nasrani.Mengenai term Jewish People of the Book, there
is a difference of opinion among the scholars'. Some scholars' opinion that they all, including the Christians who lived in Indonesia is inclusive of the Book. But
there is also an opinion that the People of the Book are those who
nasabnya (in genealogy since their ancestors first) when lowered already
embraced Christianity. So the Christians in Indonesia, based on the opinion of some scholars' does not include Kitab.1 Expert. Marriage
Between Muslim Men With Non-MuslimDidalam Women Islam, marriage between
Muslim men to non-Muslim women of the Book, according to the opinion of
some scholars' are allowed. It
is based on the Word of GOD Almighty in the Qur'an Surat Al-Maida verse
5, which means "(And lawful married) women who maintain the honor and
from among those who believe and women who guard the honor and from the
Experts Book
before you. "But there are some requirements that would implement it if
asked, namely: Obviously NasabnyaMenurut genealogy or by descent from
their ancestors is the Scripture, so as the conclusion of the Ulama
'above, most of the Christians in Indonesia is not a faction
of the Book, as well as the Chinese who are Christians in
Indonesia.Benar really Sticking In the Torah and the Book InjilApabila
indeed if they adhere to the law and or the Gospel (which is really
original) surely they will eventually go Islam,
because it is actually on the Torah and the Gospel of the original has
been mentioned that there will come a Prophet after Prophet Moses and
Prophet Isa As As, ie Nabiullah Muhammad. And
if they believe in the existence of Nabiullah Muhammad, they would go
IslamWanita People of the Book are later able to keep their children
from harm future fitnahAda some Hadith History Umar, Uthman, Talha
Friend, Friend Hudzaifah, Friend Salman, Jabir Friend and some other Companions, all allow Muslim men to marry women of the Book. Companion
Umar bin Khattab once said "Muslim men are allowed to marry a woman of
the Book and are not allowed to marry a man of the Book Muslim woman."
Even Hudzaifah Friend and Friend Talha was once married to a woman of
the Book but eventually the woman to Islam. Thus,
the decision to allow married women of the Book is an Ijma '(meaning a
deal that is the consensus of the scholars in establishing a law of
religious law based on the Quran and Hadith in a case that happens.) Of
the Companions. Scholars
'great Ibn al-Mundhir said that if there are Ulama' Salaf who forbid
marriage above, the history is not considered too ShahihDemikian Majlis
Fatwa Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Number: 4/MUNAS VII/MUI/8/2005 per-dated 9 -22 Jumadil End 1426 H. / 26-29 July 2005 M (here) about the prohibition of marriage with Muslim men women of the Book by consideration of the benefit. Although
the fatwa was carried by referring to some of the arguments naqli,
still removing skill Muslim man to marry a woman of the Book as
mentioned in the Qur'an. Al-Maidah paragraph 5 above. And apparently the fatwa issued by driven by the conviction that there is competition between religions. The
scholars 'consider that the competition has reached the critical points
for the benefit and growth of the muslimNamun some scholars' which
expressly forbids marriage between Muslim men with women of the Book. The
Scholars' is basing his opinion on the Word of GOD Al-Quran Surat
Al-Baqarah verse 221 which means "And do not marry polytheistic women,
before they believe. Indeed, the Muslim slave woman is better than a polytheist woman, even though she impress you. And do not marry idolaters (with women believers) before they believe. verily believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though they impress you. They invite you to hell, while GOD invites to Paradise and forgiveness by permission. And
GOD explain the verses (the commands) to mankind that they may take
heed "And the Quran Surat Al-Mumtahanah verse 10 which means" O ye who
believe, when it comes to you emigrated women who believe, let You test (faith) them. GOD
knows about their faith; then if you have to know that they are
(really) believers so do not return them to their (husbands) they are
infidels. They are not lawful for them. And give it to (husbands) them, they have paid dowry. And there is no sin on you to marry them if you pay them the dowry. And
do not stick to the rope (marriage) with a gentile woman, and be ye ask
for dowry which you have paid, and let them ask for dowry which they
had paid. Thus,
the enactment of laws GOD among you, and GOD is Knower, Wise "Besides,
they also hold the Companion Abdullah bin Umar words meaning" no
idolatry of the greatest than women who believed Isa ibn Maryam as his
god. "In the book of Al -Mughni juz 9 pages of 545 works of Imam Ibn Qudama, Ibn Abbas had stated, the law of marriage in QS. Al-Baqarah verse 221 and QS. Al-Mumtahanah paragraph 10 above was deleted (mansukh) by QS. Al-Maidah verse 5. Hence
the prevailing marriage is legal permissibility of Muslim men to women
experts KitabSedangkan marriage between Muslim men with women musyrikah,
according to the consensus of the scholars' remain forbidden, whatever
the reason, because it was feared could cause fitnah2. Marriage
Between Non-Muslim Men With Women MuslimahPernikahan between a Muslim
woman with a non-Muslim man, according to the scholars' remain
forbidden, either to marry a man of the Book and the polytheists man. It is feared the woman who had married a non-Muslim man can not resist the temptation to come to him. Just
as a woman can not refuse her husband's request that may bertentangang
with Islamic law, or she can not resist the temptation that comes from
the husband who is not a believer who may tend to be more dominanDalil
naqli statement on illegitimate marriage a Muslim woman with a
non-Muslim man is
Al-Quran Surat Al-Maida verse 5, which says that GOD Almighty allow
marriage only a Muslim man with a woman of the Book, not vice versa. If marriage is allowed, then GOD Almighty will surely confirm it in the Al-Quran. Therefore,
based always known al-mukhalafah, implicitly GOD Almighty forbid In
such marriages the book interpretation of Al-Imam Ibn Jarir work Tabati
At-Tabari, said Jabir bin Abdillah History Hadith that Prophet Muhammad
once said: "We (the Muslims) married women People of the Book, but they (the men of the Book) should not marry our women "
to Imam Ibn Jarir At-Tabari, although sanad-sanad Hadith is a bit
problematic, meaning agreed upon by the Muslims, then the proof can
dipertanggungjawabkan.KesimpulanSebenarnya his marriage between Muslim
men with the women of the Book is allowed in Islam, but because of the
current extremely
difficult to encounter a woman of the Book who really "People of the
Book", then I can conclude that the marriage of different religions that
exist today can not be said to be valid because almost no women of the
Scripture that actually adhere to the law and or Gospel. Since both of these scriptures that exist today is not the Torah and the Gospel were genuine. As
for Muslim women who marry non-Muslim men, both polytheistic men and
men of the Book remains convicted haramNabi Muhammad once said: "She was
married for four things: his property, for his descendants, for her
beauty and her religion because of good quality. So choose a good quality women religious, surely you would be lucky ". (Narrated
by Bukhari and Muslim) So for Muslims and Muslim, interfaith marriage
grounds for reasons of love, equality, solidarity, tolerance, or for
whatever reason can not dibenarkan.Perlu also asserted that the issue of
marriage Muslim men to women is an act of the Book were judged permissible, but not recommended, especially command. Therefore
the ideal wedding and who can bring us safe in this world and the
hereafter, and bring our families to be families sakinah, mawaddah and
warohmah was married to the same religion that Islam.Wallahu 'nature
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