Kamis, 15 November 2012

Basket Ball

Basketball is a ball sport in groups consisting of two teams each playing each other five people who score points by inserting the ball into the opponent's basket. Basketball is perfect to watch because usually played in the gym closed and only requires a relatively small field. Additionally, basketball is easy to learn because it forms a large ball, so it does not complicate the player when bouncing or throwing the ball.
Basketball is one sport that is most favored by U.S. citizens and residents in other parts of the world, including in South America, Southern Europe, Lithuania, and also in Indonesia.
Basketball is considered as a unique sport because it was created by accident by a gym teacher. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian sports teacher who teaches at a college for professional students at the YMCA (a Christian youth container) in Springfield, Massachusetts, to make a game in an enclosed space to fill time students during winter vacation New England. Inspired by the game he had played as a child in Ontario, Naismith created the game now known as basketball on December 15, 1891.
According to the story, after rejecting several ideas being considered too loud and not suitable to be played in the stadium-arena closed, he then wrote a few basic rules, put a basket on the wall of the gym, and asked the students to start playing the game of his creation.
Official game basketball first, held on January 20, 1892 in the workplace Dr.James Naismith. Basketball is a name spoken by one of his students. This sport was soon famous throughout the United States. Fans placed throughout the branches in the United States. Game by game were held in cities across U.S. states.
At first, each team of nine people and no dribble, so the ball can only move through the throw. History regulation basketball game begins from 13 basic rules were written solely by James Naismith.
Pitch, time, and number of basketball players
Basketball court, rectangular with two standard sizes, the length of 28.5 meters and a width of 15 feet for the standard National Basketball Association and the length of 26 meters and a width of 14 feet for standard International Basketball Federation. Three circles contained in basketball have long fingers is 1.80 meters.
The number of players in the game of basketball is a team of 5 people in 5 people with a spare. While the number of referees in a basketball game is 2. Referee 1 Referee called while the second referee called the Umpire.
When the game 4 X 10 minutes. In between rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4 rounds there is a break for 10 minutes. If there is the same score at the end of extra time the match should be held until there is difference in the score. In between there are two extra rounds rest for 2 minutes. Time to throw in the 5 seconds.
Roving ball used in the game of basketball is 75 cm - 78 cm. While the weight of the ball is 600-650 grams. If the ball is dropped from a height of 1.80 meters in the floor boards, the ball must be returned to the height of between 1.20 to 1.40 meters.
Long boards are reflective outer width of 1.80 meters, while the outer reflective board is 1.20 meters. And the length of the inner reflective board is 0.59 meters while the width of the inner reflective board is 0.45 meters.
Distance floor to the bottom of the reflective board is 2.75 meters. While the distance of the bottom of the board to bounce the basketball hoop is 0.30 meters. Basketball hoop that is 0.40 meters long. While the distance of poles through to the end is 1 meter.
Long diameter circle on a basketball court is 1.80 meters in width is 0.05 meter line. The length of the final line of attack area circle that is 6 meters. While the penalty shot line length is 3.60 meters.
Regulation basketball game
The basic rules for the game of Basketball is as follows:
• The ball may be thrown in any direction by using one or both hands.
• The ball can be hit in any direction by using one or both hands, but should not be beaten using fists (punching).
• Players may not run while holding the ball. The player must throw it from the spot where the ball receives the ball, but if the player is allowed to run at normal speed.
• The ball must be held in or between the hands. Arms or other limbs are not allowed to hold the ball.
• Players are not allowed butting, holding, pushing, hitting, or tackle the opposing players in one way. The first violation of these rules will be counted as an error, a second offense will be liable to disqualification offenders players to the basket ball team entered by the opponent, and if the offense was committed for the purpose of injuring an opponent, then the player will be punished violators should not come into play throughout the game . At this time, no substitutions allowed.
• An error was made when the players hit the ball with a fist (punching), in violation of Rules 3 and 4, as well as breaking things mentioned in Rule 5.
• If one of the parties made three consecutive errors, then the error will be counted as a goal for the opponents (consecutive means without the opponents back by the breach).
• Goal occurs when the ball is thrown or hit from the field into the basket, in this case the players who keep the baskets do not touch or disturb the goal. If the ball stops on the edge of the basket or the opposing player moves the basket, it will not count as a goal.
• If the ball out of the action, the ball will be thrown back in and played by the first player to touch it. In case of disagreement about the ownership of the ball, then wasitlah that will throw it into the field. Pitchers were given 5 seconds to throw the ball in his hands. When he held longer than this time, then the possession of the ball will move. If one party does to postpone the match, the referee can give them a warning infringement.
• The referee has the right to pay attention to the players and the game records the number of violations and notify the referee when a violation helper row. The referee has the full right to give the player a foul disqualification according to Rule 5.
• Referee maid noticed the ball and make a decision if the ball is deemed to have off the field, the change of possession of the ball, as well as timing. Referee maid right to determine the legitimacy of a goal and count the number of goals happen.
• When the game is 4 quarters each 10 minutes
• The one who gets the ball to the hoop most will be declared the winner

Basic techniques of basketball games
How to hold basketball is the attitude of the hands forming a large bowl. The ball was in between both hands. Inherent palms beside the ball slightly to the back, fingers splayed attached to the ball. Thumb is close to the body in the back of the ball facing toward the front center. Both legs forming the horses with one foot in front. Body slightly forward and knees relaxed.
In catching the ball must be taken to ensure that the ball is in control. The ball was picked up palm with fingers outstretched and wrists relaxed. When the ball go between his palms, fingers immediately attached to the ball and pulled back or follow the direction of the ball. Catch the ball (catching ball) consists of two kinds of ways to catch the ball above his head and caught the ball in front of his chest.
Pass or throw the ball consisted of three ways: throwing the ball from the top of the head (over head pass), throw the ball from the front of the chest (chest pass) made from chest to chest quickly in the game, and threw the ball bounced off the ground or floor ( bounce pass).
Dribbling the ball (dribbling ball) is an attempt to bring the ball forward. The way is by bouncing the ball on the floor with one hand. When the ball moves into the palm of the hand stick on the ball and follow the direction of the ball. Press the ball when it reaches its highest point toward the bottom with a bit of elbow straightening the wrist followed by spasticity. Dribble the basketball game can be divided into two ways, namely dribble low and high dribble. Low dribble aimed at protecting the ball out of reach of the opponent. High dribble made to hold fast to the attack the opponent's defense.
Pivot or memoros is an attempt to save the ball from the reach of the opponent with one foot as a pivot, while the other leg can rotate 360 ​​degrees.
Shooting is an attempt to put the ball into the opponent's basket or a basketball hoop for the winning points. In doing this shooting can be done in two ways, namely by shooting with two hands and shooting with one hand.
Lay-up is an attempt to put the ball into a basketball hoop or basket with two steps and jumped in order to gain points. Lay-up is also called the shots fly.

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