Sabtu, 08 Desember 2012

The origin and history of Indonesian

The origin and history of Indonesian
In life, we can not be separated with the name of the language, because language is a communication tool. Moreover, the language is the best thing in the culture of a nation's identity. Before going further to know about the beginnings of the Indonesian language, it would be helpful to know in advance what the definition of the language itself. According Wibowo, in Walija. 1996 "The Indonesian Language in Conversation" reveals that the language of communication is the most complete and effective way to convey an idea, message, purpose, feelings and opinions to others, while according to the Stiawan Owen (2006:1), explains the language definition language that can be defined as a socially shared combinations of those symbols and rule governed combinations of those symbols (language can be defined as a socially acceptable code or conventional system for conveying concepts through the use of symbols and the desired combination of symbols that are regulated by rules). And there are a lot of opinions from experts on the definition of the language, but in this occasion not be discussing more about the definition of a language, but rather to give a little knowledge about the history of the beginnings of the Indonesian language we use for this.
History Beginning IndonesianToday, the nation Melanesia using the Indonesian language, as language is the "unifying language", which are important in the formal communication media, either as text or spoken language, school, office and of course the print and electronic media.There is a bright side, that 'Indonesian' plays an important role as a "bridge" of communication through linguistic diversity are different from each other (including in Papua), and allows the speakers to reach the world of modern education. But must also be aware of the downside, mainly that 'Indonesian' become dominant that other languages ​​keumgkinan be excluded. Either Batak language, Java, Bali and including 250 ethnic Melanesian languages ​​in Papua. Though the new Indonesian seriously used since 1950 in Papua by preachers and colonial officials in order to 'unify' the Papua region with other Dutch East Indies. This is in line with the Dutch colonial discrimination policy that only allows the Dutch language is taught in certain lineages.If menenggok further into the past, and the people are simply not enough known Melanesia Indonesian nationalists, as well as a Dutch colony in many ways not directly involved in the history of Indonesia's independence. Beyond that, the area is quite isolated from the Dutch colonies in the west, except for the northern coastal areas of traditional trade relations with the Moluccas. The rest is only the shadow of the prison - Digul Boven, in the majority of people are still living in the stone age (Benedict Andersson: 2002)This means that people of Melanesia, is not involved in some important historical processes, associated with the use of the Indonesian language. First, the current Indonesian as a language of unity dipermaklumkan on Youth Pledge of 1928, no one representing the nation of Papua in the incident, the second, as recommended during the Indonesian occupation to evict the Dutch language, it is not the case in Papua, especially because of military considerations and social and political conditions of the time, the Dutch East Indies Japan split into three separate colonies, and Papua under the Navy based in Makassar, the third, while Indonesian is used as a vehicle of resistance to attack colonialism topped RI 1945 declaration of independence, not just the nation of Papua ' know 'Homeland.Of these three facts, arguably the Indonesian language is the product of historical process is not fully involve the nation Melanesia. It was only in 1963 when the Old Order Trikora launched operations, and the subsequent implementation of the Act of 1969 during the New Order Indonesian started to become 'official language' in Papua.Indonesian is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia as defined in the RI Constitution 1945, Article 36. It is also the language of national unity, as implied in the Indonesian Youth Pledge October 28, 1928. However, it is only a small part of the population of Indonesia actually use it as a mother tongue because in everyday conversation unofficial Indonesian people prefer to use their mother tongue as a mother tongue as the market Malay, Javanese, Sundanese , etc.. For most other Indonesian language is a second language and for the level of official Indonesian language is the first language. Indonesian is a dialect of the Malay language is the official language of the Republic of Indonesia The word "Indonesia" is derived from two Greek words, namely Indos meaning "India" and nesos "island". So said India Indonesia archipelago means, or islands in the territory of IndiaIndonesian independence was inaugurated in Indonesia, in 1945. Indonesian language is a dynamic language, which until now continues to produce new words, either through the creation, as well as the absorption of local and foreign languages. Indonesian is the standard dialect of the Malay language Malay substantially from as revealed by Ki Hajar Dewantara in Indonesian Language Congress I in 1939 in Solo, Central Java, "the so-called 'Indonesian' language jaitoe soenggoehpoen pokoknja Melajoe which comes from 'Melajoe Riaoe ', but which soedah plus, dioebah ataoe dikoerangi menoeroet keperloean baharoe age and nature, so that the train Laloe moedah language used by the people in seloeroeh Indonesia; pembaharoean language Melajoe up into the Indonesian language that the train haroes kaoem dilakoekan by experts who beralam baharoe, is natural Indonesian nationality ". or as disclosed in Indonesian Language Congress II 1954 in Medan, North Sumatra, "... that is the language of Indonesian origin Drove. Indonesian Basic language Drove which is adapted to pertumbuhannja in Indonesian society ".In history, the Indonesian language is one dialect of Malay temporal structures and treasures most are the same or similar to the previous temporal dialects like Malay Classical and Ancient Malay. Sociologically, we say so-so new that the Indonesian language is considered "born" or accepted its existence on October 28, 1928. Legally, the new date of August 18, 1945 Indonesian officially recognized.Phonology and grammar from Indonesian easy enough. The basics are essential for basic communication can be learned only in the past few weeks. Indonesian language is the language used as the conductor of education at universities in Indonesia.Bahasa Melayu in Indonesia later used as a lingua franca (lingua franca), but at that time not many people use it as a mother tongue. Usually they use the local language (which could amount to as many as 360).Initial creation of Indonesian as the national identity stems from the Youth Pledge on October 28, 1928. There, on the second National Congress in Jakarta, dicanangkanlah use Indonesian as a language for the country post-independence Indonesia. Sukarno did not choose his own language, Java (which is actually also the language of the majority at the time), but he chose Indonesian language, which he based from the language spoken in the Riau Malay.Riau Malay chosen as the language of unity of the Republic of Indonesia on the following considerations:If Java language is used, tribes or other tribe in the Republic of Indonesia will feel colonized by Javanese who are fathers (group) in the majority of the Republic of Indonesia.Java language is much more difficult to learn than the Malay language. There is also a fine language, plain, rugged and used for different people in terms of age, degree, or rank. When users do not understand the culture of Java, it could have a greater negative impression.Malay language is selected, and not the Malay Pontianak, or Banjarmasin, or Dublin, or Moluccas, or Jakarta (Betawi), or Kutai, the first consideration of the Malays came from Riau, Sultan of Malacca terakhirpun run Riau after Malacca was taken by Portuguese. Second, he was the lingua franca, the Riau Malay least affected by such of the Chinese language Hokkien, Tio ciu, to, or from other languages.Malay language users not only limited in the Republic of Indonesia. In 1945, the Malay language users than the Republic of Indonesia was colonized by the British. Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore was colonized by the British. At that time, the use of Malay as the language of unity, expected in regional countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore could be grown patriotic fervor and nationalism neighboring countries in Southeast Asia.By selecting the Malay language, the freedom fighters together again like in the past, Islam developed in Indonesia, but this time with the goal of unity and kebangsaan.Bahasa Indonesia already selected are then standardized (standardized) again with the grammar (grammar), and a standard dictionary also created. This has been done in the days of Japanese rule.

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